Choose the best wood for your wood stove – articheat

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Choose the best wood for your wood stove

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One of the most important factors in getting an optimal combustion in your wood-burning stove is choosing the right type of wood. There are different types of wood to choose from, and the choice can affect both the burning experience and the heat output. Below we present some of the best types of wood for wood stoves:

Rowan wood is an excellent type of wood that is ideal for wood-burning stoves. It burns evenly and calmly and provides plenty of embers without crackling. In addition, it emits less smoke and ash than many other types of wood. Rowan wood is known for providing the best warmth in relation to its volume.

Birch wood is one of the most common types of wood used for heating in Sweden. It is popular because of its flammability and ability to burn evenly and quietly. Birch wood does not crackle or shoot off sparks, which reduces the risk of fires and makes it a safe choice for the home.

Beech wood is an excellent type of wood for burning in a fireplace, wood-burning stove or tiled stove. It burns evenly and calmly and gives a high and pleasant heat. However, beech wood has a high density, which makes it important to allow it to dry properly before use.

Ash wood has several advantages, including the ability to burn even when damp and the fact that it generates less ash. This type of wood also has a good heating capacity and burns for a long time, making it a popular choice for wood burning stoves. However, it can be a bit more difficult to split due to its hardness.

Maple wood is a popular choice for firewood, as it provides a nice glow and provides good heat. In fact, many consider it the perfect choice for burning in a wood burning stove or fireplace. However, it is important to ensure that the maple wood is properly dried to get maximum heat output.

It is important to remember that the energy value of wood can vary depending on factors such as humidity and density. Below is an overview of the energy values ​​for some common types of wood per solid cubic meter:

  • Rowan wood: About 3190 Kwh per cubic meter
  • Birch wood: Approximately 2650 Kwh per cubic meter
  • Beech wood: About 3000 Kwh per cubic meter
  • Ash wood: About 2900 Kwh per cubic meter
  • Maple wood: About 2800 Kwh per solid cubic meter

Other types of wood that may be worth mentioning are spruce, oak, pine and aspen, with energy values ​​varying from 2000 to 2900 Kwh per cubic meter.

When choosing wood for your wood burning stove, it is always a good idea to research the specific characteristics of each type of wood and make sure it is properly dried before use. In this way, you can create cozy and efficient heating in your home.

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